Accounts Preparation Services
Preparing accounts for Brighton businesses
As you might expect from an experienced firm of Chartered Accountants, we have all of the core accountancy services covered.
From the annual audit and accounts to day-to-day management requirements like payroll. Our aim is to provide you with all of the financial services you will ever need to run your business – all within reach and delivered by a team you know and trust.
Your business journey from starting out to exiting or retiring…
Of the many considerations for new businesses, tax planning is vital in order to establish the most appropriate business structure and avoid having to correct inefficient or non-compliant arrangements.
Once a business has become established and is growing, expansion is likely to mean that the owners will need to delegate key tasks to mangers and staff and it is therefore important to attract and retain the best quality people for your business.
As the business matures and the profits increase, business owners need to consider how to protect those profits from excessive tax charges. There are a number of key tax reliefs that can be claimed on qualifying business expenditure and other opportunities to organise your affairs
As retirement or sale approaches, business owners need to consider how they would like to structure the sale in order to minimise the impact of capital taxes on the proceeds and how to structure their finances after the sale in order to enjoy a comfortable retirement.
Further information
What to do with regular bank transactions on Xero?
If you have regular bank transactions such as parking, bank fees, loan payments and wages, which are not invoiced, you can set up bank rules within Xero to speed up time spent on reconciliation.
What is the newly announced Packing Slip from Xero?
The long-awaited Packing Slip has now been introduced by Xero, if you have the new invoicing feature turned on.
Sales Invoicing in Xero – what you need to know.
Do you issue your sales invoices in Xero? If you do, then you will likely know about the many advantages that this function can offer and we take a look at some of them in this blog.
Here are our featured sectors

Video Games Development Services

Creative Industries


Healthcare and GP’s Services

Life Sciences

Hospitality, Food and Drink


Property and Building Services

Technology, Media and Innovation
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We believe in being involved with the local business community and that is why we network extensively, host regular business seminars, write blogs and have many trusted, professional contacts