Animation Developer Guide 6: Corporation Tax
The Guides
- Animation Studio Accounting
- Guide 1- Limited Companies
- Guide 2 – Personal Tax
- Guide 3 – VAT
- Guide 4 – Payroll and Workplace Pensions
- Guide 5 – Funding your Prototype
- Guide 6 – Corporation Tax
- Guide 7 -R&D Tax Relief Claims for SMEs
- Guide 8 – Animation Tax Relief Claims
- Guide 9 – Understanding your Accounts
- Guide 10 – British Film Institute (BFI) certification
Download the full guide:
A UK Limited company pays corporation tax on its taxable profits for the accounting period. Corporation tax is due 9 months and 1 day after the accounting period end. For example, a company with a 31 March year end, would be required to pay any tax due by the following 1 January. However, the company tax return is due 12 months after the accounting period end.
The main corporation tax rate for 2024/25 is 25%. The rate for small businesses with profits of up to £750,000 remains at 19%. Profits above £50,000 are taxed at 25% less marginal rate relief until profits exceed £250,000 where the full 25% tax rate applies.
Important points to consider
Accounting profits vs taxable profits:
Profits taxable for corporation tax are often different to profits appearing in the company accounts and this can be for a number of reasons such as:
- Not all business expenses are allowable for tax purposes e.g. client entertaining or depreciation; and must be added back into the profits for tax purposes.
- Capital additions, which are depreciated in the accounts, attract different rates of allowances for tax purposes. For example, if you buy a computer, the cost might be written off in the accounts over 3 years, but for tax purposes, you are likely to obtain full relief in the year of purchase
- Taxable profits can be reduced by way of Patent Box Relief, Research & Development (R&D) Tax Relief and Animation Tax Relief claims.
Tax losses:
- If a company has made a taxable loss for the accounting period, these losses can be carried forward and offset against future profits of the same trade.
- If the company had a corporation tax liability in the previous period, the losses for the current accounting period can be carried back, enabling you to claim a corporation tax refund.
- Losses created by R&D or Animation Tax Relief claims, can be surrendered for repayable tax credits.
Tax planning:
The corporation tax liability can be manipulated through effective, legitimate pre year-end planning including bringing forward planned expenditure or extra pension contributions.
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