Vicky King, recently attended the Open Studio event organised by Martlets Hospice on Wednesday, 12 July. The occasion provided a unique opportunity for artists, sponsors, and partners to indulge in a private viewing of the ewe(!)-inspiring Shaun the Sheep and Mini-Shaun sculptures.
As Vicky walked her way through the studio, she was amazed at the incredible diversity of designs and the brilliantly creative names assigned to each Shaun, all of the Mini-Shaun sculptures were completed by local schools and nurseries and it was incredible to see the creativity and care that had gone into these.
Vicky also had the pleasure of spending some quality time with Sara Pope, the artist sponsored by Plus Accounting. While their sponsored Shaun sculpture had been temporarily whisked away for varnishing, it didn’t dampen their enthusiasm, as they took the opportunity to catch up and discuss the exciting next steps of the project.
Martlets, in collaboration with its talented artists, sponsors, and partners, has successfully created an atmosphere that celebrates art, community engagement, and cultural vibrancy and all of the hard work will be worth it when they hit the streets in September.
Keep an eye out for Shaun Le Sheep, as he prepares to roam the streets of Brighton, spreading joy, fun, and hopefully a few selfies!