ThoughtShift Charity Tournament- How did we do?!

ThoughtShift held their inaugural Charity Football Tournament on Thursday 15 February at Dorothy Stringer School.

ThoughtShift brought together 4 teams, iCrossing, Rocketmill, Plus Accounting and themselves, to take part in a Charity Football Tournament all in aid of The Clock Tower Sanctuary, Brighton.

ThoughtShift charity football shield 2019

The sun was shining, the team in their new football shirts, kicked off the qualifying rounds in high spirits!!

First Match:

Plus Accounting v Rocketmill > 1:1

Second Match:

Plus Accounting v iCrossing > 0:4

Third Match:

Plus Accounting v ThoughtShift > 0:3

Having only scored 1 goal in the qualifying rounds, things didn’t look good! But Alex (skipper) rallied the team together and we headed out for the knock-out semi finals with our heads held high!

The team played brilliantly and communication and formation were looking positive – we managed to take the semi final to penalties…

Semi Final:

Plus Accounting v ThoughtShift > 0:0 (Plus Accounting won 2:0 on penalties)

We were in the final!! 

A great performance by James in goal, who managed to save two penalties with his bare hands!! (next time we will be much better prepared i.e. keeper gloves!)

We were up against our first opponents Rocketmill in the final and the team went out on the pitch for the final time!!

After a tense first couple of minutes, we scored, and another and another!!!


Plus Accounting v Rocketmill > 3:0

We won!!

An excellent day, a great team effort and a brilliant event organised by ThoughtShift for The Clock Tower Sanctuary!

So…next year, we will be defending our title and will ensure that our team have a full kit and perhaps some training?!!

Oh and Hayley won Player of the Tournament for her outstanding performance in all games and a brilliant goal in the final!

The Clock Tower Santuary: What you need to know…

The Clock Tower Sanctuary helps homeless young people: (aged 16-25) in Brighton & Hove.

It may come as a surprise to learn that the majority of homeless young people who come to The Clock Tower Sanctuary are homeless because of relationship breakdowns meaning they have nowhere to call ‘home’.

Our clients have usually experienced extremely challenging early lives. Many come from broken or dysfunctional homes. Occasionally their early experiences include neglect and/or abuse in households where alcohol or drug dependence and/or violence are routine. Others may have behavioural or mental health problems that have become unmanageable for their families.

When a young person leaves home because their situation has become unbearable, initially they often turn to other extended family and friends – sleeping on mates’ sofas for a while – becoming part of the ‘hidden homeless’. But this can’t last forever. Once their hospitality has been exhausted, they may end up sleeping rough or in temporary/ emergency accommodation.

Faced with this situation, young people often experience a sense of crisis. They rarely have any funds, may have little support, be separated from friends and family and often lack the knowledge, skills, or confidence to stay safe and to deal with their situation. They are at risk of their lives spiraling out of control.

That’s where The Clock Tower Sanctuary steps in.

See how we can help you...

We believe in being involved with the local business community and that is why we network extensively, host regular business seminars, write blogs and have many trusted, professional contacts