Rockinghorse Emerald Ball – Youth Worker Update

£59,000 was raised at the Rockinghorse 55th Anniversary Emerald Ball to help support Sussex children with their mental health – Image from Rockinghorse.

Paul recently attended the Rockinghorse Emerald Ball and put his hand up in the auction, for something extremely valuable, a Youth Worker to join the Children’s A&E department at the Alex in Brighton.

SeanO was a real life auction prize and a number of people in the room bid on this auction prize, all of which has enabled him to join the department for 3 years and help support children who are admitted to A&E with mental health issues – the medical team just do not have the time to really support these children, but are now able to refer them direct to SeanO and he will be there to support and guide them. SeanO started his role in April 2022 and has already to date supported 140 children – it is therefore evident that this is a vital support needed in Brighton & Hove and we are proud to have been part of this initiative.

Our Marketing Manager, Vicky also attended a thank you lunch at Malmaison earlier this month and heard from both SeanO (Youth Worker) and Dr Oli Rahman – the lead Paediatric HDU Consultant at the Alex Children’s Hospital, and who is also Chair of Trustees at Rockinghorse Children’s Charity.

We will be following the journey of SeanO over the next few years and look forward to hearing the development of this service in the hospital.

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