Plus Accounting complete the London to Brighton Bike Ride!

Pedal like Plus team (Left- Right) 

Stanley Fowler, Debbie Marriott, Aaron Andrews, Glen Hardwick, Alex Koupland and Chris Morey.



Well done to the ‘Pedal like Plus’ team who successfully completed the 54-mile bike ride from London to Brighton on Sunday 16 June.

The team of six raised a whopping total of £1,502.81 for the British Heart Foundation on a day where collectively almost 15,000 cyclists helped raise over £2 million for life-saving research.

Along with raising a great amount for the British Heart Foundation, the team was also riding in memory of our colleague John Robertson who sadly died last year.

The team had an early start time and after arriving in London they got underway just shortly after 7:30am. Despite the miserable weather to begin with the team cycled through the rain in good time and before you knew it they were at the Beacon Hill.

All six of the team completed the 54 miles at a really good time with Stan and Glen crossing the finish line at Madeira Drive first. Not long after the rest of the team joined them and they were all given a medal in recognition of their achievement moments after crossing the finish line.

It was an incredible effort from all six of the Bike Ride team and they have all done themselves proud for raising the amount that they have!

What some of the team said about the day;

We would like to thank everyone who donated to us on our JustGiving page as it makes a huge difference to both our team and the British Heart Foundation. We would also like to thank the British Heart Foundation and all those involved on the day.

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