Plus Accounting celebrates 30 years!

As many of you may be aware, Paul Feist started the firm on 1 July 1992 and Peter Hedgethorne joined exactly one year later.

Paul and Peter originally hired a small office in Marlborough Place, central Brighton and Feist Hedgethorne Limited was born!

Their biggest challenge was moving to Preston Park House, as a team of 12 it was a big decision, but it has enabled the firm to grow to just over 30 team members.

Peter has recently decided to step down as Director and move to a Tax Consultant position, therefore as part of our 30th anniversary we wanted to do something that Peter enjoys, and for those that know Peter, the obvious choice was clearly walking!

On Friday, we walked from our venue for the day, Tottington Manor, by heading north away from the hotel, swinging round to the east and south back to the hamlet of Edburton, where we crossed the road and started the climb up the steep face of the South Downs to the top at Edburton Hill. The climb up the hill was very picturesque, and worth stopping a few times to not only take in the view but also to catch our breath!

Once everyone had recovered from the climb, we then headed west along the South Downs Way, the National Trail which runs approximately 110 miles from Eastbourne to Winchester – but we only covered about one mile of the trail, passing the Youth Hostel near Truleigh Hill.

At the bottom of the track after the Youth Hostel, the route leaves the trail, heading north west on a grassy path with expansive views across the Adur Valley and the Sussex and Surrey Weald, before descending the steep slope back down to the hotel.

We then celebrated and rested our legs(!) over a 3 course meal at Tottington Manor.

Paul Feist, Luke Thomas and Chris Morey will be leading the team into the next 30 years…and we asked them where they see the future of the firm…

“I am very excited to be part of the team leading the firm forward into the next 30 years and helping the firm continue the growth shown in the last 30”.

Chris Morey

“Paul and Peter deserve a huge amount of credit for the success they have delivered over the last 30 years at Plus Accounting.  We can now look forward with great optimism for the future as an independent firm with an exceptional leadership team”.

Luke Thomas

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