Peter is running the 2020 Brighton Marathon!

The 2020 Brighton Marathon was originally scheduled to take place on the 19 April but the organisers have decided to move this back to September in light of the current outbreak of the CoronaVirus.

Peter Hedgethorne is gearing up to run the Brighton Marathon once again for Albion in the Community. AITC has a strong affiliation with Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club, who Peter is a big supporter of, and they are also one of our chosen charities.

Due to an unfortunate injury, Peter was left with no option but to pull out from the event last year. However, Peter has fully recovered and he is ready to return with training well underway for the event on 20 September.

Help support Peter and the charity by donating on our JustGiving page!

Peter’s Training Updates

Friday 17 January

Peter ran 14 miles from Shoreham to Worthing and back at a ‘gentle pace’. Although Peter did pick up a niggle in his calf about 9 miles in he managed to complete the journey but as a result, he dropped out of a 5k run he was planning on completing in Littlehampton on Saturday.

Sunday 19 January

Having felt better on Sunday, Peter completed a 7-mile walk around Woodingdean with no issues.

Saturday 25 January

Peter was doing a 5k park run in Worthing on Saturday morning so he ran to the event from Shoreham (4 miles) with the intention of running the 5k and the 7 miles on the way home. Unfortunately, Peter had a recurrence of his calf issue and had to get a lift back to Shoreham. However, Peter still completed 7 miles and his calf is on the mend again! Peter is doing the Bevendean park run next Saturday but promised not to push hard or race others!

Monday 17 February

Due to Peter’s calf muscle niggle, he only managed to complete a parkrun in Bevendean as due to Storm Ciara’s adverse weather conditions, the Worthing Half Marathon he was going to do was called off. However this weekend, Peter got back to it with a 16.5 mile run on Friday morning and the Preston Park parkrun on Saturday. Peter is now hoping to complete 17-18 miles next weekend in the Sheffield/ Peak District area.

Wednesday 26 February

Before the weather took a turn for the worse, Peter went out on Friday for an 18 mile run which he just about completed with a complaining left calf taking over from the right one. On Sunday, Peter walked 5 miles in the Peak District and then he ran 7 miles last night without ill effect. Peter is lining up another 18 miler on Friday and a 3 mile park run on Saturday which he will use to determine whether he is on track.

Monday 2 March

Peter’s training didn’t get off the ground this weekend after some foul weather on Friday morning prevented him from doing an 18 miler. This limited Peter to just a 3-mile park run at Hove Park on Saturday morning. Not what the training plan demanded!

Monday 16 March

Peter completed an 18 mile run last Saturday including running to a parkrun (3.75 miles), doing the parkrun (3.1 miles) and then running home from the parkrun (11.15 miles). He then went out for a 6-miler on Tuesday night before recording his longest scheduled run of 21.5 miles in 4 hours last Friday.

Although Peter originally heard on the local news on Friday that the Brighton Marathon organisers had no plans to call it off, this was reversed later in the day following the decision by the organisers of the London Marathon to postpone their event.

The Brighton Marathon will now take place on the 20th September meaning Peter will have to keep ticking over for the summer before ramping up the mileage again in August.

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