Our New Client Portal has launched!

Our brand new Client Portal is now live!

You can now activate your secure personalised dashboard.

The Portal has been designed to offer you quick and easy access to a wealth of information to help you get the most out of the your professional relationship with us.

Personalised Accounting Dashboard

A snapshot of the important deadline dates for you and/or your business.

Latest Resources, News & Events

For all the latest Budget Reports, Tax Cards, Blog and News articles, you now only need to look within your Dashboard.

You will also find all of our upcoming events, those we are hosting and also those we are speaking at.

There is a space to feature your services within our Client Dashboard, if you want to write a blog or share a link that you feel would benefit our client community, please get in touch.

Personalised Library

Giving you the chance to store relevant articles, news items and events in your own personalised library. You can go back to these when convenient to you and your diary!

Access to your Secure Document Exchange

You can now access the Iris OpenSpace Portal via your Dashboard.

Your Team

You will have access to the team working on your account and their contact details.


Finally, if you are already signed up to Xero you will be able to log in to your account via your personalised Dashboard or alternatively you will be able to find out more about this cloud accounting software.

Get in touch with us for more information and assistance. 

See how we can help you...

We believe in being involved with the local business community and that is why we network extensively, host regular business seminars, write blogs and have many trusted, professional contacts